Library > File


CAYIN provides two methods for you to manage files in Media folder:

  • Manage via Web Manager: You can upload and delete multimedia files directly on SMP's management user interface.
  • Manage without Web Manager: You can use CAYIN Seeker to open the Media folder. Please refer to Content Update for more detailed information.

In this section, we will introduce how you can manage files via Web Manager in LIBRARY > File page.

View Files & Folders

You can view all files stored in the Media folder of this SMP player.

Files & Folders
In the left column, you will see a folder tree. Click a folder; then files or subfolders attached to that selected folder will be displayed in the right column. It is an easy way for you to navigate all files in the Media folder.

On the upper right corner of the window, you will see more functions for you to change view modes or filter file types.
Click the button and you can see all files and subfolders in a table. You can sort files alphabetically by the file name or sort by last modified time and file size. Just click File name, Time, or Size to do it.
Click the button and the folder contents will be shown as icons. You can open a subfolder by double clicking.
Filter file types Filter file types
You can use the filter to show a specific type of file. Click the drop-down list and select a file type, such as videos, images, text, HTML, Flash, or others. If you want to see all files, just select All.
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Manage Files & Folders

You can create folders and upload and delete files here.

Create Folders

  1. Go to the root directory or subfolder which you want this folder belongs to.
  2. Click the Add folder button and you will see a pop up window.
    Create Folders
  3. Enter the folder name and click OK

Upload Files

  1. Go to the folder or subfolder which you want the file belongs to.
  2. Click the Upload button and you will see a pop-up window.
  3. Click Browse to select files; then click Upload. You can select multiple files and upload them at a time. You can also upload files and folders in one compressed file (ZIP format). SMP will unzip files and folders automatically after you upload the zip file, which will be removed right after the system unzip it successfully.
  4. Click Close to close the window after you upload all files.

Instead of using the Upload button, you can also choose to upload files by dragging multiple files directly from Window’s Explore to SMP’s Web Manager. You can even drag the whole folder if you use Google Chrome.

Create Folders
  • Please DO NOT close the web page during the uploading process in case you upload incomplete files.
  • SMP will keep the original file if you upload a compress file with an unknown file extension.
  • Media folder is used to store all multimedia files you upload. If you run out of disk space, you will not be able to add more files into the Media folder. Please check the Media Folder Usage in SYSTEM > Overview page.

Delete Files and Folders

You can delete both files and folders on this page. Move your mouse over the folder or file you want to delete. Then you will see a tool icon Tool icon. Click the icon and you will see the Delete function.

Delete Files and Folders

Rename Files/Folders

  1. Move your mouse over the folder or file you want to rename. Then you will see a tool icon Tool icon. Click the icon and you will see the Rename function.
    Rename Files/Folders
  2. Click Rename and you will see a pop up window.
    Rename Files/Folders
  3. Enter a new folder name and click. OK

Move Files/Folders

You can move files or folders between different folders or subfolders. There are two ways:


  1. Move your mouse over the folder or file you want to move. Then you will see a tool icon Tool icon . Click the icon and you will see the Move function.
    Move Files/Folders
  2. Locate and select the new folder; then click OK.
    Move Files/Folders

Drag & Drop:

Just locate the file or folder, keep pressing the left mouse-button, and drag and drop it to change path.

Drag & Drop:
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