Playback > Skin

Playback Method - Skin

Skin is a template which you create by CAYIN's Skin Editor. You can divide the screen into several zones and each zone will apply its own multimedia settings and schedules. There are many templates for you to choose from, but all templates will apply the same zone configurations.

The usage of this method is as follows:

Select a Skin

SMP players have some built-in templates. You can download more templates from Online Resources in LIBRARY > Skin page. You can also click New to create your own skin by the online Skin Editor.

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Configure Each Zone

There are two ways for you to configure settings for each zone.

  • Click the icon of each zone on the upper right corner of the skin section. Icon of each zone
    Then you can edit every zone in advance even though the skin you select doesn't include that type of zone.
  • Edit skin
    Locate the skin you want and click the Edit button beneath it. Then you will see the editing window of that skin. In this editing window, you can only configure those zones which already exist in this skin. Click the icon of each zone or click the zone on the preview image; then you can configure settings for each zone one by one.

Multimedia Zone Multimedia Zone

If there are two multimedia zones on your selected skin, you have to configure settings for both two zones: Multimedia-1 and Multimedia-2. If there is only one multimedia zone on your selected skin, you have to configure Multimedia-1 first.

Media Files

You can choose to play video files in this SMP's Media Folder.

  1. Click Edit Playlist, and you can select those video files you want to play. All video files in the Media Folder will be listed in the left column. You can click the refresh button Refresh button to make sure the system get the most updated data. If the left column is empty, that means there is no file in the Media Folder. Please add video files to Media Folder first.
  2. Select those files you want to play. You can select multiple files at one time by holding the Shift or Ctrl key, or just select files one by one. You can also choose a folder and play all files in that folder. If you want to search any specific file, enter the keyword after the search icon Search icon . Then all possible files and folders will show up.
  3. Click Add icon, and all selected files in the left column will be duplicated to the right column. SMP will only play those files in the right column.
  4. Now, you can arrange the order of those selected files. In the right column, SMP will play files from top to bottom. Please refer to the following table for more functions.
    Move up Move up
    Select one item in the right column. Click Move up , and this item will be moved forward in the playlist.
    Move down Move down
    Select one item in the right column. Click Move down , and this item will be moved backward in the playlist.
    Delete Delete
    If you want to remove files from the Selected Files in the right column, please select files and click Delete . Then those files will be removed from the right column, but will still be kept in the Media Folder.
  5. Click OK and you will go back to the main page of Media Files. All selected files and folders will be listed in the table.

There are more options for you to customize your playback mode.

Display ratio
Display ratio
You have three options: Auto, 4:3, and 16:9.
Playback sequence
Random: Random
SMP will play video files randomly without following the sequence listed in the table.
Drag and Drop:
You can also adjust the playback sequence by double clicking an item and dragging and dropping it to the right position.
Turn on/off the audio of the video. If you don't want to play the audio of the video file, please press the Mute button , and the button will change to . If your skin includes two multimedia zones, we suggest you enable the mute function for one multimedia zone, or you can hear audio from both two multimedia zones.
If you need to remove any file from the playlist, you can click Edit Playlist to re-edit your playlist.

You can also click the Delete symbol on the upper-left corner of the table. Then you will see the trash can button, Delete , in the first column of that table. Just locate the item you want to remove and click the delete button before that item; then you can remove that item from the playlist.

The playlist is the order how all multimedia files in the folder media are played. If you do not edit your own playlist, SMP will play all files in the Media Folder in the alphabetical order. If you create sub-folders under the folder media, all media files in these sub-folders will also be added together to the playlist according to the following sorting rules: (the former rules have higher priority than the later ones)

  1. Multimedia files in the folder media will be played prior to any files located in sub-folders.
  2. Multimedia files in the folder media will be sorted and played following alphabetical order.
  3. Sub-folders will be sorted by alphabetical order.
  4. Multimedia files in the sub-folders will be sorted and played following alphabetical order.

    For example:

Network Streaming

There are three types of network streaming methods:

  1. RTB Client (Real-Time Broadcast)
    RTB Client only works with CAYIN CMS's RTB Server function. SMP, incorporating with a CMS server, can play streaming video. To play streaming video as RTB client, select the channel corresponding to the client's server, i.e. CMS server. Select the broadcast mode for the source. You can select to play files in Media Folder when there is no video packet delivered from the streaming. You can also select the display ratio (4:3 or 16:9) from the drop down menu here.
  2. RTP (Realtime Transport Protocol)
    You can use RTP compliant software sending RTP streaming to SMP, e.g. VideoLAN client/server ( To play RTP streaming, enter the port number of the relevant RTP server. Select the broadcast mode for the source. You can select to play files in Media Folder when there is no video packet delivered from the streaming. You can also select the display ratio (4:3 or 16:9) from the drop down menu here.
  3. HTTP/MMS Streaming
    To play video file via HTTP or MMS streaming, e.g. video file on a web server or MMS server, enter the URL of the file in this option. You can also select the display ratio (4:3 or 16:9) from the drop down menu here.

Video Input

To play AV-IN signal on the multimedia area, please select this item, and set the display ratio as 4:3 or 16:9. You can configure more related settings on SYSTEM > Peripheral > Video In page.

Image Files

You can choose to play image files in this SMP's Media Folder. Please refer to the settings of Image zone for detailed instructions.

USB Storage

If you enable this function, you can play files in a USB storage device. However, you will not be able to edit playlist here. SMP will play all files in the device alphabetically. The USB file system supported by SMP players are FAT/FAT32/NTFS.

Central Scheduling

If you enable this function, the content playback of this zone will be centrally managed by a CMS server. Please refer to the section CENTRAL SCHEDULING in CMS server for further settings.

Image Zone Image Zone

If there are two image zones on your selected skin, you have to configure settings for both two zones: Image-1 and Image-2. If there is only one image zone on your selected skin, you have to configure Image-1 first.

Media Files

You can choose to play image files in this SMP's Media Folder.

  1. Click Edit Playlist, and you can select those image files you want to play. All files in the Media Folder will be listed in the left column. You can click the refresh button Refresh button to make sure the system get the most updated data. If the left column is empty, that means there is no file in the Media Folder. Please add image files to Media Folder first.
  2. Select those files you want to play. You can select multiple files at one time by holding the Shift or Ctrl key, or just select files one by one. You can also choose a folder and play all files in that folder. If you want to search any specific file, enter the keyword after the search icon Search icon . Then all possible files and folders will show up.
  3. Click Add icon , and all selected files in the left column will be duplicated to the right column. SMP will only play those files in the right column.
  4. Now, you can arrange the order of those selected files. In the right column, SMP will play files from top to bottom. Please refer to the following table for more functions.
    Move up Move up
    Select one item in the right column. Click Move up , and this item will be moved forward in the playlist.
    Move down Move down
    Select one item in the right column. Click Move down , and this item will be moved backward in the playlist.
    Delete Delete
    If you want to remove files from the Selected Files in the right column, please select files and click Delete . Then those files will be removed from the right column, but will still be kept in the Media Folder.
  5. Click OK and you will go back to the main page of Media Files. All selected files and folders will be listed in the table.

There are more options for you to customize your playback mode.

Duration Set the Duration in seconds for playing each picture.
Transition effect
Transition effect
You can choose one transition effect here to make the transition more visually compelling.
Resize images
Resize images
You can decide if you want to resize the images.
Original Size:
The system won't change the image size.
The system will proportionally adjust the size of each image to fit the display area of the image zone which you define in the skin.
The system will adjust the size of each image to completely fit the display area of the image zone which you define in the skin. This might cause image distortion.
Playback sequence
Playback sequence
Forward: Forward
SMP will play image files from the first item to the last one.
Backward: Backward
SMP will play image files from the last item to the first one.
Random: Random
SMP will play image files randomly without following the sequence listed in the table.
Drag and Drop:
You can also adjust the playback sequence by double clicking an item and dragging and dropping it to the right position.
If you need to remove any file from the playlist, you can click Edit Playlist to re-edit your playlist.

You can also click the Delete symbol on the upper-left corner of the table. Then you will see the trash can button, Delete , in the first column of that table. Just locate the item you want to remove and click the delete button before that item; then you can remove that item from the playlist.

The playlist is the order how all multimedia files in the folder media are played. If you do not edit your own playlist, SMP will play all files in the Media Folder in the alphabetical order. If you create sub-folders under the folder media, all media files in these sub-folders will also be added together to the playlist according to the following sorting rules: (the former rules have higher priority than the later ones)

  1. Multimedia files in the folder media will be played prior to any files located in sub-folders.
  2. Multimedia files in the folder media will be sorted and played following alphabetical order.
  3. Sub-folders will be sorted by alphabetical order.
  4. Multimedia files in the sub-folders will be sorted and played following alphabetical order.

    For example:

USB Storage

If you enable this function, you can play files in a USB storage device. However, you will not be able to edit playlist here. SMP will play all files in the device alphabetically. The USB file system supported by SMP players are FAT/FAT32/NTFS.

Central Scheduling

If you enable this function, the content playback of this zone will be centrally managed by a CMS server. Please refer to the section CENTRAL SCHEDULING in CMS server for further settings.

Ticker Zone Ticker Zone

If there are two ticker zones on your selected skin, you have to configure settings for both two zones: Ticker-1 and Ticker-2. If there is only one ticker zone on your selected skin, you have to configure Ticker-1 first.

Local Setting

There are three ways for you to input ticker texts:

  • Enter text here
    You can enter a text message, such as "Welcome to CAYIN Technology!". Save the settings and the text will be displayed on the screen.

    You can enter a maximum of 512 characters in the text field.

  • Text file in Media Folder
    You can type your message in a text file and save the file in Media Folder. When you enable this option, click Add/Edit Add/Edit to select the text files you want to play, and save the settings. The message in the text file will be displayed.

    SMP supports UTF-8 character encoding. If the content is not written in English, please choose encoding type UTF-8 when you save the text file.

    All text files (.txt) can include totally a maximum of 16384 characters.

  • Text from remote URL/RSS
    To show a text message available on a URL, click Add/Edit Add/Edit to enter the URL address in the option, e.g. http://your_server/message.txt. If you use the server side script to generate the dynamic text, we suggest you only send the text result (mime type txt/ plain) back to the SMP player. You can also retrieve live RSS messages. Enter the URL address in the option, e.g.

    SMP players checks RSS feed every 20 seconds and updates if necessary. The format of non-English RSS link should be in the UTF-8 character encoding.

You can also customize the way the text appears. Here are some attributes:

font facefont size
You can select a font face font face and a font size font size here. You can upload more font faces on LIBRARY > Font page.
Text direction
Text direction
You can change the direction of the text from Left to right Left to right or Right to left Right to left to suit your own language configuration.
Font color
Color of the textBackground of the ticker zone
You can set the color of the text Color of the text and the background of the ticker zone Background of the ticker zone. If you don't enable single color background, the background of the ticker zone will be transparent to the Skin's background.

There are three ways for you to choose a color. You can enter the R, G, B numbers or the color code directly. You can also use the color picker tool to choose a suitable color. The system provides the color preview on the right-hand side so that you can select the best matching color combination for your ticker texts and background.
Text scrolling effect
Text scrolling effect
No scrolling effect: No scrolling effect
The text is static without moving.
Simple crawl: Simple crawl
The text will move either from left to right or right to left. The next line will follow the previous line.
Simple bottom-up: Simple bottom-up
The text will move from bottom to top. For long sentences, the system will break them automatically into the next lines.
Bottom-up and crawl: Bottom-up and crawl
First, the text is moving from bottom to top and pause; then it is moving from left to right to finish a line.
PauseLine spacing
Pause: Pause
Set duration of Pause when you choose Simple bottom-up or Bottom-up and crawl. This option will let text pause for specific seconds when the player finishes showing a line.
Line spacing: Line spacing
You can adjust the line spacing. If you choose 1, it means the space between two lines is the height of the font.
Suitable speed
Set a suitable speed. 1 represents the slowest speed, and 6 represents the fastest one.

Central Scheduling

If you enable this function, the content playback of this zone will be centrally managed by a CMS server. Please refer to the section CENTRAL SCHEDULING in CMS server for further settings.

HTML/Flash Zone HTML/Flash Zone

If there are more than one HTML/Flash zones on your selected skin, you have to configure settings for each of them: HTML/Flash-1, HTML/Flash-2 and HTML/Flash-3. If there is only one HTML/Flash zone on your selected skin, you have to configure HTML/Flash-1 first.


You can choose one .html or .swf file you want to playback in the drop-down menu. You need to upload files into SMP's Media Folder in advance or you won't see any file in the drop-down menu.

The system also provides more functions for you to show only some part of the HTML/SWF file or add any parameter.

  • HTML screen capture
    Please enable HTML screen capture if you want to show only some part of the HTML/SWF file.
    HTML screen capture
    1. Enable the function, and you will see the following information:
      Content (W, H) It means the real size (resolution) of the web page.
      Drag (X, Y) It means location of the start point (upper-left point) of the captured area.
    2. HTML screen capture
      Click Capture; then you can see the web page and start to define the area you want to show. Remember to click Reload every time you enter a new number in the following fields, so that you can see the updated captured area on the preview picture.
      Content (W, H) Enter the real size (resolution) of the web page.
      Drag (X, Y) Enter the location of the start point (upper-left point) of the captured area. You can also drag the captured area directly on the preview picture.
      Drag (W, H) Enter the size of the captured area in the tool bar. You can't drag directly on the preview picture.

      The real presentation of the captured HTML is restricted to the size of the HTML zone on your selected skin. For example, if the HTML zone on the skin is 400x300 resolutions, you can only show content with 400x300 resolutions even though you might capture 800x600.

    3. You can click Preview to check the real presentation and click OK to finish settings.
  • Enable extra parameters
    Click Enable extra parameters and fill in required fields if you only want to add any extra parameter.


You can show one .html or .swf file from a remote URL. Please enter the URL address here.

The system also provides the following two functions:

  • HTML screen capture: let you show only part of the web page.
  • Enable extra parameters: fill in required fields to add extra parameters.



CAYIN provides this free editing tool for you to show Twitter information on your screen easily via CAYIN's SMP players. CAYIN does not save the data and all data come directly from Twitter. Therefore, the SMP player which connects to Twitter must be online all the time and has a stable broadband network connection.


  1. Enter your Twitter ID in the User field.
  2. Select a template. We provide some basic templates with different colors for you to choose from. Select one and you can see the preview image. You can still modify the layout later in Advanced settings area.
  3. Enter a title and subject of Twitter timeline.
  4. Customize your own timeline layout in Advanced settings area.
    Border radius
    Border radius
    You can change the border radius of the timeline. If you set 0, it will become a rectangle. Select a number and the system will generate a preview image for you.
    Background color
    Shell Background ColorTweets Background Color
    Shell: Shell Background Color
    You can change the color of the shell by the color picker tool.
    Tweets: Tweets Background Color
    You can change the color of the texts. Pick a color and the system will generate a preview image for you.
    Separator color
    Shell Background ColorTweets Background Color
    Header: Shell Background Color
    You can change the color of the line below the subject.
    Tweets: Tweets Background Color
    You can change the color of the lines between tweets.

    Pick a color and the system will generate a preview image for you.
    Text color
    Header Text ColorTweets Text ColorLink Text Color
    Header: Header Text Color
    You can change the color of the title and the subject.
    Tweets: Tweets Text Color
    You can change the color of the tweets.
    Link: Link Text Color
    You can change the color of the link text.

    Pick a color and the system will generate a preview image for you.
    Font style
    font face
    You can change the font face here. The system won't generate a preview image for font style.
    Font size
    font size
    You can change the font size here. The system won't generate a preview image for font size.
    Show or Hide Avatars
    You can choose to show or hide avatars. Click the button and the system will generate a preview image for you.



CAYIN Weather Server provides this free service for you to show weather information on your screen easily via CAYIN's SMP players. The SMP player which connects to CAYIN Weather Server must be online all the time and has a stable broadband network connection.


  1. Select a city list. CAYIN now provides the following city lists for free use.
    City List Language Cities
    15 major cities of the world English London, New York, Chicago, Dubai, Hong Kong, Paris, Shanghai, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo, Buenos Aires, Madrid, Toronto, Frankfurt, Mexico City
    Major cities in Taiwan Chinese 台北, 桃園, 新竹, 苗栗, 台中, 彰化, 嘉義, 台南, 高雄, 屏東, 花蓮, 台東, 基隆, 金門, 澎湖
    Major cities in the USA English Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia, Phoenix, San Antonio, San Diego, Dallas, San Jose, Jacksonville, Indianapolis, San Francisco, Austin, Columbus
    Major cities in the Middle-East English Dubai, Beirut, Istanbul, Riyadh, Doha, Muscat, Abu Dhabi, Amman, Kuwait, Cairo
    Major cities in Thailand Thai กรุงเทพมหานคร, นนทบุรี, นครราชสีมา, เชียงใหม่, หาดใหญ่, อุดรธานี, ขอนแก่น, อุบลราชธานี, นครศรีธรรมราช, นครปฐม
    Major cities in China Simplified Chinese 上海, 北京, 成都, 广州, 天津, 苏州, 深圳, 武汉, 南京, 重庆, 佛山, 西安, 哈尔滨, 沈阳, 长春
    Major cities in Spain English Barcelona, Madrid, Granada, Seville, Bilbao, Valencia, Cordova, San Sebastian, Salamanca
    Major cities in the UK English London, Birmingham, Leeds, Glasgow, Sheffield, Bradford, Liverpool, Edinburgh, Manchester, Bristol
  2. If you have a customized city list, please select Enter Customized ID in the drop-down menu. Then enter your Customized ID and click OK. Please contact CAYIN's salespeople for tailored ID of City List if you want to customize your own city list.
  3. Customize your own layout in Advanced settings area.
    Size of area
    Size of area
    There are three fixed sizes of the weather information area: 250 (w) x 75 (h), 285 (w) x 170 (h), and 550 (w) x 320 (h). We suggest you create an HTML area with the same size, or the weather information will be aligned with the upper left corner.
    Background colorText color
    Background color: Background color
    You can change the background color of weather zone by the color picker tool. If you want to have a transparent background, please enable the function: Disabling single color background.
    Text color: Text color
    You can change the color of the texts. Pick a color and the system will generate a preview image for you.
    No Effect: No Effect
    There's no transition effect.
    Bottom Up: Bottom Up
    There's an transition effect.
    Celsius: Celsius
    You can display the temperature in Celsius.
    Fahrenheit: Fahrenheit
    You can display the temperature in Fahrenheit.

    Pick a unit and the system will generate a preview image for you.
    Pause time You can set the pause time between cities. The range is from 3 to 1024 seconds.
    Icon type
    There are two types of icons:
    Weather types
    Pick an icon and the system will generate a preview image for you.


If you want to embed codes provided by other websites, e.g. Twitter, please enter the codes here. You can enter a maximum of 2048 characters.

Central Scheduling

If you enable this function, the content playback of this zone will be centrally managed by a CMS server. Please refer to the section CENTRAL SCHEDULING in CMS server for further settings.

Central Scheduling

Central Scheduling
If you want to let CMS server control the playback of all contents (Multimedia, Image, Ticker, HTML, and Skin) of the SMP player, please click the option: Central Scheduling. Central scheduling for a SMP player applies only one server configuration. Please remember to complete the server settings in CMS page before you start to use the function.

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Preview the Presentation

After you finish the configurations of each zone, you can preview the presentation before you start to play.

  1. Preview the Presentation
    Click the icon of the magnifier beneath the skin. Then you can see the preview page of that skin.
  2. At the top of the preview page, there will be the playback simulator. You can see the playback of image, html/swf, and ticker based on your settings of each zone. You won't be able to see the playback of video and clock zones.
  3. At the bottom of the preview page, there will be detailed information of each zone on this skin.
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Start to Play

Start to Play

After you finish the configurations of each zone and check the preview, you can click the play button beneath your selected skin. Then the SMP player will start to play multimedia contents based on the skin and its settings.

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